activate the real you

Free Experiences, Community, Coaching Sessions and more...

Empower Your Mind Anytime, Anywhere:

Unlock Limitless Possibilities with My Life Hack Resources: Feed Your Mind Anywhere, Anytime with Easy Access on PC, Phone, or tablet!

Free Experience!

Start the year off with a focussed, extensive and intentional vision casting. Hannelle leads you through a process of visualising your best possible self for 2024. There will be opportunity to identify growth gaps and create a structure to carry you through the whole year and help you realise goals and dreams!

Facebook Community

Invest in the long haul by joining the 4 Life Community and enjoy a year long subscription with access to a rich programme geared toward bringing out your best and beautiful self! Monthly subscription.

10% discount on full annual subscription

Choose a challenge - set a goal - become aware.

This is THE opportunity to overcome bad habits, breakthrough into new and lasting habits. 10 science backed themes to help you understand and unpack identity, goals and habits.

Interested in something else? Contact me if you want to know more about these services:

“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."

– Charles Swindoll